My Story
Why Ministry? Why Now?
Everything changed when I decided to finally dedicate my life to God in 2021. All in. I began to look for a commission that dutifully served my neighbors, but did not know in what capacity.
In 2019, my mother's vision deteriorated to a point where we needed to address it. It was painful to witness my mother’s difficulties and even harder to help sustain her quality of life. I had to confront how my secular perception of security was as immaterial and ephemeral as the things I built it upon (2Cor. 4:16-18). By God’s grace, He eventually restored my mother’s sight. And I believe that God not only used this trial to teach me an invaluable lesson but also gifted me this opportunity to reevaluate my vocation. And I did. I went and explored a laundry list of professions. But God closed every door. All but one...
Pursuing ministry had always been on my heart at an early age but I never had the full courage to take the first step. Either I felt I was unqualified to serve or I was hoping to find something more fulfilling in the world. Now I can say differently. With certainty is my lifelong commitment to my cross and Christ. It is my passion and the reason for His. I have the peace and courage to prepare for my ministry now. And I can’t fully illustrate the unsettlement and spiritual anguish in holding off for any longer. My pursuing ministry is an endeavor to lead others to Christ and to help them address what it means to be made in His image. For myself, there is no other dedication more meaningful, more merciful, and great.
Current Service & Ministry
Youth Administrator
Arcadia Chinese Baptist Church
Southern Baptist Church
Arcadia, California
sunday service
I present the welcome message; introduce the speaker; share the post-sermon announcements.
Lead Worship
Sing lead vocals.
sunday auxillary
Assist with the in-person and online audio systems for Sunday Service.
Breakfast Fellowship
Make and organize the breakfast for post-service fellowship.
youth ministry
Youth Ministry
Organize youth outreach events; coordinate Youth Sunday Service, serve as a counselor for the youth and perform visitations.
Youth Friday Nights (Youthalive)
Organize and lead the youth's Friday fellowship nights.​
Youth Sunday School
Teach Youth Sunday School
Youth Worship Teams
Coordinate and teach the youth worship teams and train them for Sunday worship.
english ministry
Young Adult Small Group
Led the weekly small group bible study sessions under the guidance of our English Pastor.
My Future Ministry
What I feel God is Calling Me to Do
As a Christian, no stranger to the struggles of same-sex temptation, my experiences may be the connection to minister to others in a similar predicament. Praise to God that what the enemy “...meant [for] evil against me,... God meant it for good…” (Genesis 50:20, ESV).
As I am introduced to trailblazers such as Christopher Yuan and Becket Cook, I’m inspired and pray that God is calling me to lead a similar ministry. Heart to heart, mine goes out to those of others whose love for God is juxtaposed by their desire for secular intimacy. I can appreciate the matter’s intricate difficulties and empathize with the need to refocus our admiration on the creator instead (Romans 1:24-27). As I believe God created us uniquely in His image, we too have a unique responsibility to preach to our niche. Evangelizing to the LGBTQ+ community may just be mine.